Hi Folks,
I want to announce a new feature here on The Granite Notebook : a monthly short story rotation. I realized the other day that I have written quite a bit of awesome short fiction over the years and need to give readers here the opportunity to see some of it. Soon, probably early next year, I will publish a short story collection that will include many of these stories, but they are being published here for the first time. So readers of The Granite Notebook get to see them before everybody else. :)
You can see the link now in the menu bar above, and you can go there and read the first short story of the rotation, which I’ve just put up.
To tell you a little bit about this month’s story…. [please read]
“W., Dick, and Bill” is a humorous, satirical piece that I wrote back in 2007. At the time, I sent it to some different journals and magazines and didn’t receive any interest in it. I also showed it to a few friends, and they didn’t like it very much either. Well, it’s pretty much guaranteed to offend some people. Maybe at the time it was just a little, too current, also.
So I just shelved the story and it has sat mostly forgotten for quite a few years now. But just the other day I was going through my archives and took a look at the story again… and almost died laughing. It’s great! I showed it to Erica and she thought it was really funny too, so now I am sharing it with you.
This one’s pretty different from some of my other short stories, most of which are more serious and with less of a humor bent, but it’s also what gave me the idea for the monthly short story rotation and made me feel inspired to get the story rotation started. So don’t take it too seriously, but please enjoy it.
When I rotate to a new story next month, I will be sure to post an announcement and send out a tweet about it to let you know, so be sure to subscribe to the blog or watch for my tweets! And you can read “W., Dick, and Bill”, this month’s short story: HERE
Hope you like it! :)